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Writer's pictureDMP Blogmaster

A small but intuitive change. The plus button now says 'New Chat.'

It used to be just a plus button. We saw this inside another chat app and got inspired.

Writer's pictureDMP Blogmaster

In the next release we are giving users the ability to SMS or Call directly from within a group.

This will be at the control of our users to allow. Expect in the next release in about 10 days.

Here is a preview of the UX for it.

Writer's pictureDMP Blogmaster

Updated: Jul 30, 2023

Many apps do not allow for expanded text. (larger sizes of text)

We realized early on in our product dev that many players like to have large text and especially when it comes to SMS, chat and messaging. The trade-off is that real estate on the screen is at a premium. Many of our screens need user input and once that keyboard comes out, half the screen is covered up.

For example, when you are creating a NEW GROUP and you're on STEP 4 to select the NAMES. If you have blown up fonts AND potentially a smaller phone, you cannot see the search results without removing the keyboard. If you've not familiar with how to do that... then you're a bit stuck.

We've added a little overlay that makes it easy to do this when it is necessary.

A UX win for our users.

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