How To Upload
Your Team Information
We've created a handy upload tool so you don't have to manually enter your team information.
Below is the step-by-step process. This is done one-time per team. If your team roster changes during the season, you can always re-upload the file.
NOTE - It is recommended that you do these steps on your laptop and not your mobile device.
Below steps should be done by the team captain or co-captain.
Login to the USTA Tennislink website
Go to your team homepage. A team homepage looks like this.
Click on the tab labeled Player Roster.
Player Roster should be highlighted in BLUE. Here is an example.
In the upper right is a link labeled Send to Excel. Click that link to download/save that file.
Click the upload button below and upload the file.
You're done. Now the rest of the team can install the mobile app as necessary. Anyone already using the app will automatically be associated to your team.

Contact us if you have any issues and we'll help you get it done. Download a more detailed PDF of this process here.
We'll take care of getting your schedule into the app once the schedules come out. Again, let us know if you have issues.